Spring Awakening from pixabay.com

A Change of Season

Do you feel that? The tug towards change—lean your ear toward the birds chirping beyond your windowpane. Pull open the curtain—better yet, yank the blind like they did in our childhood cartoons so that it hits the top with a BING!

Come on. I dare you to rebel—put on your rubber boots (or don’t) and step right out into the swaths of sunlight.

Now breathe in. Do you feel that? Let it revive you.

Where are you going with this, Rach?

Life is short. Take chances when they are offered. Walk away when you feel something wrong in your gut. Forgive yourself up when you fail to listen to that little voice in your head—there is still time RIGHT NOW.


“Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.” George Addair


Nice quote, Rach. I’m not reading you though.

I’ve recently realized how important it is to voice my fears so I can step outside the circle it’s drawn around me. Confused? Let me explain.

On Friday, over a bowl of the best chana masala (chickpea curry) I’ve ever made, I confessed to a friend that my birthday is a reminder of how invincible I am not. A reminder of how my body fails me.

He just sort of looked at me, a furrow between his eyebrows, and mentioned how I’ve survived so much in my life. That over and over, my body has proven how invincible it is. If my body had failed me, I wouldn’t be here 18 years after my doctor called on my 25th birthday to tell me I had lung cancer.

He makes a good point.

So, I’ve been basking in the fact that my body is not failing me. Rather, it continues to carry me forward. In fact, it wants to carry me to the chair on my deck, the one front and centre to the changes happening in my backyard. That sun is fierce, and those birds are twittering like they’ve just opened the best birthday gift of their lives!

Ready for Change?

Let’s start with a song from one of my all-time favourite musicians, Tracy Chapman 🙂



An excellent article that provides lots of links and additional resources:

7 Little Habits That Can Change Your Life, and How to Form Them


Some older posts you might want to revisit:

Shout It From the Rooftops: Facing Fear

Carving Out Your Dream 101

Taking Risks: Did your Mother Really Say Not To?